Matthew. Not the name.
But the category five hurricane that ripped through the Caribbean up through the Southeast of the United States.
With winds up to 107 mph, rainfall up to 17.49 inches and flooding across North and South Carolina and Haiti, many lives were affected by Matthew.
At least 43 U.S. lives stepped into eternity and more than 500 Haitian lives.
Matthew destroyed thousands upon thousands of homes, leaving them uninhabitable.
Power outages, fallen trees, busted roads, destroyed beaches and electrical fires plague thousands.
Family photos, clothes, toys, furniture, TVs, laptops, iPhones, sports trophies, diplomas, money and pets are just a few of the many things lost in the tropical storm.
Most of these things can be replaced but the lost lives cannot.
Try to imagine what it’s like to lose everything you own. Every possession you worked long hours to buy, every gift you ever received, every item associated with childhood memories and holidays—gone.
No one understands the harsh reality of owning nothing but yourself more than Job of the Old Testament.
Job lost his family, employees, livestock—virtually everything. But how did he respond?
He fell on his face and worshipped Almighty God.
“And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly,” Job 1:21-22 says.
No doubt many people are feeling lost and alone—mad and even bitter. But anger is not the answer.
Only God can give the grace and strength to survive through such a tragedy.
The correct response to life’s trials is continued worship of God.