Art Show by Former Faculty Member John Roberts
Monday, Sargent Art Building
Beginning Monday, Mr. John Roberts, a former member of the BJU art faculty, will be presenting a retrospective art exhibition featuring his work. During his many years on faculty, Mr. Roberts taught everything from woodworking to pottery to landscape painting to calligraphy. His exhibition will showcase various pieces that date back as far as 1966 when he was in the 10th grade and are as recent as August 2012. By writing the phrase “to God be the glory” somewhere on each piece, Mr. Roberts intends his art to be a Gospel tract to all who see it, he said. The show can be viewed in the Sargent Art Building until Sept. 27.
Resumé and Interview Workshop
Monday, 5 p.m., Lecture B
According to Dr. Steve Buckley, manager of Career Services, being successful in today’s job market is much like the Bruins succeeding in athletics. “To win an employment opportunity, students need both an offensive and defensive strategy,” Dr. Buckley said. So how do students create a winning strategy? By coming to the Resumé and Interview Workshop on Monday at 5 p.m. in Lecture B. There, students will learn how to create a resumé and participate in an interview that will help them stand out in a crowd. Students should remember to bring their “College and Beyond” career guide for reference and note taking during the lecture.
Thursday, 7 and 8:30 p.m., Rodeheaver Auditorium
The question was this: “What topic do you think needs to be addressed most to the student body?” The answer: “loving others.” After many unofficial surveys of students in her class, Miss Lindsay Morgan, a GA studying dramatic arts and the director for Thursday night’s Vespers, came to the conclusion that the student body needs “to notice the needs around us, not be cliquish, love other people and be considerate.” Titled “Memento Mori,” the program is all about “think[ing] of our lives in the light of what we’ll leave behind us and who we’re living for,” said Micah Thompson, who wrote the story for the Vespers. The audience will be challenged to leave a positive impression on the people they come in contact with every day and to live in the light of eternity. “In the end, the play isn’t about death,” Miss Morgan said. “It is about life and the many amazing opportunities we have to impact those around us for better.” Vespers will be held in Rodeheaver Auditorium on Thursday at 7 and 8:30 p.m.