At this year’s Bible Conference, beginning Feb. 13, Bob Jones University students have the opportunity to impact the lives of women affected by trafficking, abuse and poverty in Guatemala.
The Bible Conference offering, a giving tradition at BJU each spring, will benefit Dare for More Ministries. Dare for More was founded by BJU graduate Reba Bowman in 2006.
“Dare for More Ministries seeks to evangelize and create an arm of prevention and intervention for women impacted by trafficking, abuse and poverty in Guatemala,” Dr. Alan Benson, BJU’s acting-CEO, said. “Our offering goal is $150,000 for a van and a 4-wheel-drive vehicle. We are so excited to get behind this cause and bring gospel hope and practical help where it is so needed.”
The four-wheel-drive vehicle will deliver necessary supplies in difficult-to-reach villages. The van will transport women and their children to safe houses and training centers. At the training centers, the women will learn a trade that will enable them to support themselves and their families.
“This is not a van, and this is not a truck. This is rescue. It is restoration.” Bowman said in a BJU chapel service. “What is so cool about it is now this student body becomes part of the rescue. You become part of the restoration. And as long as you live, there will be women who find safety, healing and hope because you guys got creative and raised money.”
BJU announced that $25,000 was already raised through the discipline program. An additional $125,000 remains to reach the goal. To give securely online, visit BJU’s Offering Ministry Project. 
This year’s theme is ‘Look to the Fields: Cultivating a Heart for the Harvest.’ The emphasis is evangelism.
“The natural result of first loving God and then loving others,” Dr. Benson said. “Jesus calls us to lift up our eyes and share the Gospel with those who so desperately need it.”
Each speaker is a current or former pastor. The messages will include topics like, “The Connection Between Belief and Boldness,” “The Power of Gospel Partnerships,” “The Worship of God in Missions,” and more.
“As believers, God’s Word is our ultimate authority,” Dr. Benson said. “That really is why we set aside a week each year to focus on God’s Word, hear it preached, and apply it to our lives.”
The conference will begin at 7 p.m., Feb. 13 and run through Feb. 16. Students will not have classes. Rather, they are encouraged to enjoy fellowship with one another and take part in fundraising events.

“In addition to the services, another thing that’s always really special for me is to see how our student body rallies around the offering project,” Dr. Benson said. “I’m so excited to see the energy, enthusiasm and creativity already stirring for this year’s offering project.”
For more information about Dare for More Ministries, visit their website here.