Former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson will speak at Night for Life, the pro-life fundraising event sponsored by Piedmont Women’s Center on the campus of Bob Jones University. The event will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 5.
Kelly Ross, CEO of Piedmont Women’s Center, a Greenville pregnancy medical clinic, said the annual fundraising event has traditionally been a banquet, but this year they chose to rent a facility on Bob Jones University campus in order to expand the number of people who could hear the pro-life message.
“This generation has never known a world without abortion being legal,” Ross said. She said ultrasound technology and the study of embryos are more advanced today than in 1973 when Roe v. Wade was passed into law.
“We want to be a part of helping the next generation understand that life begins at conception and every life is worthy of protection . . . no matter how it’s created,” Ross said.
The fundraiser’s keynote speaker Abby Johnson has shared her story through the 2019 movie Unplanned, which BJU screened this January.
During her eight years working at Planned Parenthood, the primary abortion provider in America, and her promotion to clinic director, Johnson struggled with her misgivings about the organization’s motivations.
According to, “In-clinic abortion is a very safe, simple and common procedure.” But after witnessing the abortion of a 13-week-old baby, Johnson left Planned Parenthood for good and has helped over 430 abortion workers leave the industry through her ministry And Then There Were None, according to
In a 2019 court testimony supporting SB9, the Kentucky fetal heartbeat bill, Johnson said abortion can never be safe. “In order for an abortion to be deemed successful, an individual and unique human being with a beating heart must die,” Johnson said. “That can never be safe for that individual human life.”
Two more women will also give their testimonies at Night for Life. Cameron will share her story about creating an adoption plan for her unborn baby, and Lisa will speak about the trauma of her abortion and the recovery process she underwent at Piedmont Women’s Center.
BJU students will be volunteering at the event to greet guests, give directions and pass out cookies to guests as they exit. Lynn Snow, BJU grad and Piedmont Women’s Center Special Events Volunteer Coordinator, said more students signed up to volunteer than the maximum of 40 needed for the event.
Snow said BJU student volunteers represent the University well by their attitudes in service. “[Piedmont Women’s Center] has always appreciated the willingness and excitement level of the students from Bob Jones University,” Snow said.
The event is free, and BJU students are encouraged to attend. Students can register on the Piedmont Women’s Center website.