BJU’s Advancement Office has declared next Thursday, April 21, to be “Ministry Partner Appreciation Day” on campus.
John Matthews, vice president for Advancement and Alumni Relations, said the idea behind the day is to make students aware of how much they benefit from donor gifts.
To start the day, Dr. Pettit will speak in chapel about the impact donors have had on BJU through their donations toward building projects, science equipment and the BJU Scholarship Fund.
The student body presidents will then encourage students to show their gratitude by stopping by The Den after chapel until 4 p.m. or the Kalmbach room from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to sign a card or make a phone call to thank a donor.
“Tuition dollars don’t cover everything that a student receives and gets to benefit from,” Matthews said. “Ministry partners are a big part of this ministry.”
Matthews said donor dollars have helped build or improve almost every building on campus.
“Education has always been about shared sacrifice,” Matthews said.
Matthews said Ministry Partner Appreciation Day will offer students the opportunity to be a blessing to those who have helped make BJU a better place for the student body.
“It’s an encouragement to the ministry partner to see students taking note and taking time to say ‘thanks’,” Matthews said.
The Collegian encourages the student body to remember how they have benefitted from the generosity of donors and to fill out a thank you card or make that call. Never forget the generosity of others.