With the upcoming presidential election taking up more and more space in our news sources every day, we’re constantly inundated with new information about this candidate or that platform.
With the glorious Internet keeping us connected, we can learn anything we want about any candidate so we take part in online debates and engage in conversations with our friends.
But how much do we really know about the election?
I know that in the ocean of information available to me, I’m having trouble keeping up with all of the candidates. I’m constantly bombarded with waves of data, so much so that it’s discouraging and almost impossible to keep on top of it all consistently.
For a college student, keeping everything straight becomes even more difficult as we try to prepare for our own futures while still considering what’s best for the future of the entire nation.
According to data collected by the White House, the millennial generation comprises approximately one-third of the population of the United States. After factoring in the voting age, we realize our generation makes up approximately a quarter of the voting population.
With such a large number of votes potentially coming from our generation, it’s important for us to go out on voting day or to submit our absentee ballots so our voices can be heard as we make educated voting decisions.
But how educated are these decisions?
I will be the first to admit that in the midst of busy college life, it’s hard to take the time to research every presidential candidate.
Most of us would be able to recognize the names, but what do we actually know about these people?
If we were forced to go out and vote for the next president of the United States tomorrow with just the information we have right this moment, how would we vote?
Does our candidate have our vote because of his platform or just because he is a big name?
Because of big claims and promises? Because of gender or ethnicity?
In the end, who a United States citizen votes for is his responsibility and his decision, but it’s a decision that must be made with as much understanding and information as possible.
You might not think that one person can make a difference, but when an entire generation of voters starts thinking that way, then a lot of votes don’t get cast, and a candidate who may not have been elected otherwise just might get the office.
Your vote matters. And just as your vote matters, so does your understanding of the candidates.
There’s nothing more dangerous at the polls than an uneducated voter, so it’s important to know the candidates, especially the candidate you’re planning to vote for, as well as you possibly can.
You should agree with the things that your candidate says, not just follow someone because of his appearance or his name.
Instead, you should vote for him because you’ve studied his platform and you agree with him and his abilities enough to trust him with leading your country.
Try to volunteer or at least attend forums and rallies like the ones we’ve had on campus so you can hear the candidates’ positions before you head to the polls. Read articles that might at first be boring. Ask people whom you trust what they think about hot topics.
Always ask yourself if you cast your vote tomorrow, would you be comfortable living with your decision?