The Daily News has caused quite a stir since the San Bernardino shooting, slamming Republican politicians for praying for the victims with a front page that screamed “GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS.”
The issue attacked politicians who refuse to enact stricter gun-control laws, calling them cowards.
(A few days later, it published another edition—complete with kittens and puppies—satirically declaring, “For those of you who have been offended…everything is awesome.”)
In a rare prime time address straight from the Oval Office Sunday night, President Obama reassured Americans shaken by the shooting.
He urged the nation not to give in to fear. We at The Collegian support this statement.
But what is not giving in to fear? What exactly is being asked of us as citizens?
It is all too easy in the face of the unknown to blindly trust a leader and give up personal control and critical thinking. It’s easier for us to accept than to stand out from the crowd.
It is also all too easy to hide or amend our beliefs in the face of popular opinion and headlines that question our faith.
Both of these responses are givng in to fear. Succumbing to the peer pressure of popular political opinion is no better than giving in to the fear produced by terrorists.
As Christians, we know prayer is, in fact, one of the best things we can do in a situation such as the San Bernardino shootings.
Appealing to the Creator for help, wisdom and comfort is in no way useless.
Miracles have happened as a result of prayer, and God waits to hear from His people.
Giving in to fear also comes in the form of giving up long-term rights in exchange for short-term protection. We need to think of the long-term ramification of our actions.
The Collegian encourages the student body to think critically and biblically before adopting a new idea or changing your mindset.
Don’t allow fear, either of the unknown, of terrorists or just of people’s opinions, to alter your core beliefs.
The Daily News was correct in its evaluation that everything is not “awesome.”
But the answer is not to turn our backs on God and attempt to fix everything in our own power.
The answer is to ask Him for His strength as we minister to the hurting.
Remember, God hasn’t let go of His Creation. That’s one thing we never have to fear.