On Saturday, Sept. 13, the Student Leadership Council sponsored an InstaMeet, short for Instagram meetup, to provide a chance for students to fellowship with one another while exploring the BJU campus. During the activity, participants had approximately an hour and a half to walk to a list of pre-selected locations to take their most creative snapshots and upload them to Instagram with the hashtag #instameetBJU. The photos were then judged by Kyle Grant, men’s chaplain, Anita Goodman, Marketing Photo Coordinator at BJU, and Jon Andrews, a member of the art faculty, for quality, creativity and originality. Here is the winning photo, along with a sampling of other entries. Congrats to Nicole Neidhardt, Bethany Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards, Rebecca Clemons, Hannah Goetz, Caitlin Blumer, Angelica Stanton, Julia Delaney and Brooke Brenneman on their winning photo!