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Christmas Dinner
The Zeta Tau Omega Seagulls and the Chi Epsilon Delta Wolves will hold a Christmas dinner in the Academy Auditorium on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. before the Christmas Vespers program. According to Michael Darlin, president of the Chi Epsilon Delta Wolves, the event is designed “to give students a chance to relax, enjoy a formal meal, and have Christmas entertainment with it.” The event is open to everyone who has purchased a ticket. Tickets were $10 and were sold in the Activities & Organizations office. The theme for the dinner is “Christmas on the Silver Screen” and will include songs sung by Mr. Castle, a member of the university music faculty, as well as sacred and secular songs and Dr. Raymond St. John’s reading of “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Dinner will be prepared by the Binns, university staff members who cater. For more information, contact Lydia Folkers or Michael Darlin.
Exam Week
Exams are scheduled on Monday, Dec. 16, to Thursday, Dec. 19. Personal exam schedules can be found online at Student Central. Exam permits will be found in student post office boxes after Friday, Dec. 6, and should be brought to all exams.
Christmas Break
Christmas break starts on Thursday, Dec. 19, after the last exams are finished, and work and other obligations are fulfilled. The residence halls will be closed from 8 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 21, until noon on Sunday, Jan. 5. Students should plan to return by Monday, Jan. 13, before 10 p.m.