Double Absences
A friendly reminder that on Monday, Nov. 18, double absences began. During the last weeks of the semester the penalty for missing a class is doubled. For more information regarding absences, you may refer to the “Class Attendance Policies” page on the BJU intranet. Double absences are in effect through Friday, Dec. 13.
Concert Band
The Concert Band will present “A Taste of Britain” at 5 p.m. today in Stratton Hall. The musical selection will range from classical pieces to more modern composers. Dr. Bruce Cox, conductor of the band, said that students can support band members by attending the concert. “With 43 students in the band, it’s pretty likely students will know someone in the band,” Cox said. “This concert would be a great time to support them and hear beautiful music.”
Thanksgiving Break
You have probably been counting down the days already, but in case you haven’t, here is a reminder: Thanksgiving break begins Nov. 26! Although students who have fulfilled all academic and work responsibilities may leave after chapel on Nov. 25, Thanksgiving Break officially begins at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 26. Residence hall students return by 10 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 2.
Sexual Abuse Awareness Seminars
All students are required to attend one of the sexual abuse awareness seminars this semester. Final sessions will be held on Dec. 3 and Dec. 4. There will be three seminars held at a variety of times on both of those days, giving students, faculty and staff who have not yet attended a seminar ample opportunity.
Chamber String Orchestra
Under the direction of Dr. Yuriy Leonovich, the Chamber String Orchestra will present a “Tour through Europe” on Thursday, Dec. 5. The program will begin at 5 p.m. in Stratton Hall and will feature music from many composers including Rimsky-Korsakov and Norman Dello Joio.
Students who attend the concert will be able to enjoy the Chamber Strings Orchestra, a group Leonovich spoke highly of. “It’s a joy to see these young people using their talents to play their instrument to God’s glory,” he said. “While they come from a wide variety of majors and backgrounds, they demonstrate incredible unity both as an orchestra and as brothers and sisters in Christ.”