To say that the 2024 U.S. presidential election was a critical point in the country’s politics is an understatement. Not only does the election signify a major shift in power—with a Republican trifecta replacing a former Democratic-dominated Senate, House and president—but it also signifies something deeper. Change is coming to America.
In all honesty, president-elect Donald Trump was not my No. 1 choice for the presidential nominee. He may not have been yours, either. But while he does have his flaws, his policies are going to largely bring improvement to America, something that every voter, no matter their political affiliation, can benefit from.
According to Pew Research, the No. 1 issue for voters in 2024 was the economy (81% of voters), which saw, overall, better handling under Trump’s administration. Even those who took issue with Trump’s other policies might, understandably, have chosen to vote for him simply because of his superior economic strategies. Healthcare was the second major issue in the election. While Democrats have recently pushed free medical initiatives, Trump promised to leave Medicare as-is, thus providing no threat to those who rely on such services. In short, Trump’s campaign hit on the major issues that matter most to the average, working-class voter, appealing to both moderate and more right-wing voters.
But there are other issues that were involved with the election, many of which will have critical moral consequences for the nation. Trump is not as pro-life as he should be, but his policy of bringing the issue to the states instead of the federal government could save thousands of unborn lives. His policies to slow or halt the spread of “gender-affirming care” and promotion of gender transitions in schools will hopefully end what has become an incredibly perverse, government-sponsored indoctrination of children. Trump has also promised to only allow the federal government to recognize male and female as genders, as God intended.
While conservatives have gained a victory with the incoming administration, the fight for a moral America isn’t over. Christians need to be as involved as possible in the government for the next four years, or otherwise this election will be in vain. Where Trump has deficiencies, other Christians and conservatives need to step in and be strong for the truth. Only then will we see lasting change in the government—change that matters.