Society prayer meetings build spiritual camaraderie
Like many societies, the Chi Alpha Pi Cavaliers and Theta Mu Theta Bandits hold joint society prayer meetings several times a semester.
Societies meet weekly for prayer meetings across the Bob Jones University campus for a time to grow spiritually together as a society.
Societies meet once a week for the Friday society meetings, and this time is beneficial for society growth and is a reason societies exist. But the Tuesday night prayer meetings are also a prime time for societies to grow as well.
Kate Huffstutler, a sophomore English major, is the chaplain for the Sigma Lambda Delta Duskies. She said that prayer meetings change the tone of societies; instead of societies existing just to have fun and develop sisterhood or brotherhood, the society’s goal is to help the members develop a relationship with each other through Christ. Some of the relationships that Huffstutler has made in her society are because of prayer meetings.
BJU societies were founded as an outlet for students to grow together in Christ, and the prayer meetings are the best way for this to happen.
Johnathan Swaffer, a senior biblical counseling major, is the chaplain for the Chi Alpha Pi Cavaliers. “Society prayer meetings are a great opportunity for guys to come together. You get to worship the Lord for a little bit together. But then you just get to be able to share some of the burdens that are on your heart or things that you’re struggling with,” said Swaffer.
One of the best ways the Cavaliers promote prayer meetings to their society is for the officers to be there themselves.
The Theta Delta Omicron Tigers’ chaplain, Grace Bergeron, a senior kinesiology major, echoed the same thought. “Most societies are really big, and it’s very hard to just be intentional and get to know one another. And honestly, the best way to get to know people is through prayer.”
RJ Sanders, a senior business administration major, is the chaplain for the Basilean Eagles. “At least for the people who regularly attend, I find that they grow a lot closer with one another.” He said that the Basilean officers promote prayer meetings not only to encourage their members to attend society events but also as a way for people to grow spiritually for the kingdom of God.
The chaplain for the Phi Kappa Pi Rams is Noah Nicklas, a sophomore biology major. During the Rams’ prayer meeting, he has the attendees split into groups to pray and has them stay in the same small groups throughout the semester. “That way, they kind of already know some of the other prayer requests, and they can get to know each other more intimately that way,” he said. “And it’s been a really good way to do things.”
All society chaplains wish that more of their society brothers and sisters could attend the prayer meetings. Most societies only have an attendance between five and 20 people at the society prayer meetings. These numbers are only a small fraction of the members in each society. All chaplains wish more students would come to prayer meetings. According to Swaffer, prayer meetings are a time to just take a break from classes and homework and fellowship with other believers and worship God.
Most societies meet each Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. For more specific information about prayer meetings, students can contact their society chaplain to get involved with their society and to grow spiritually with their society members.
The Pi Delta Chi Classic’s chaplain, Hayden Reese, who is a junior educational studies major, summarized what society prayer meetings are all about. “I think the purpose of prayer meetings is to ultimately glorify Christ by promoting unity in the society.”