Saturday, April 15, women on campus have the opportunity to attend Developing A Heart of Wisdom, a conference designed to give practical wisdom especially applicable to Christian women.
Senior health sciences major Angelina Zimmer has played a major role in the creation of this conference.
Zimmer said she has been working toward seeing a conference such as this one come to fruition since she first had the idea two years ago.
“This conference…targets women who want to grow but may need some practical ideas on key issues,” Zimmer said.
Students can choose from four different sessions: Cindy Garland will conduct a session in Stratton Hall on emotional purity, Abigail Crockett will speak in Levinson Hall about security in Christ, Susan McClure will teach in FA 101 about healthy relationships and Sherry Zimmer will hold a session in the CGO about revitalizing your prayer life.
Angelina Zimmer said the topics were chosen by asking residence hall supervisors, mentors and society chaplains what topics they deal with repeatedly.
“These are not random topics but hand-picked from our student body,” Zimmer said.
Zimmer said students should attend this conference because it will give them a chance to hear from other women concerning the unique challenges women face.
“I think that many of us struggle silently with things and don’t have an avenue to get help or wisdom that is so readily available on this campus,” Zimmer said.
“We need a time that is dedicated to pursuing wisdom as a woman and meeting needs that are easily overlooked,” she said.
Although the topics were chosen based on the student body’s needs, Zimmer said the conference is not limited to students.
“We want women to come who are genuinely desiring wisdom,” Zimmer said. “All are welcome.”
Zimmer said the speakers were also thoughtfully chosen.
“Our speakers were chosen because of their love for God and wisdom on the issues,” Zimmer said.
“Once we had relevant topics, we needed speakers who could identify with them and really get down on to our level of understanding,” she said.
Zimmer said she hopes this conference will be the first of many annual Women Teaching Women Conferences.
All four 30-minute conferences will begin at 9:30 a.m.
At 10 a.m. all the attendees will break for coffee, muffins, fruit and other food in the Student Center Mall to allow fellowship with others and encourage students to talk with the speakers.
After the light brunch, all attendees are invited to a 30-minute Q&A session in Stratton Hall.
Attendees will be able to anonymously write down their questions on 3×5 cards that will be collected and discussed by the speakers in panel-like fashion.