A room at the Piedmont Women's Center used to provide ultrasounds and other care. Photo taken on a CSC tour of ministries in the Greenville area, Stephen Dysert, 2-3-2017.
BJU students have a unique opportunity to contribute to the fight for life by volunteering for the 2017 Fundraising Banquet for Life on March 9, an annual event held by the Piedmont Women’s Center.
The Piedmont Women’s Center is a women’s crisis center that offers reproductive healthcare in the Upstate.
The banquet is an annual fundraising event, and this year marks the banquet’s 26th anniversary.
BJU’s Community Service Council needs 90 volunteers to help the event run smoothly. Volunteers will help set up, clean up, greet patrons, work registration, usher and a variety of other activities.
Students will volunteer their services to the banquet from 4:30 to 11 p.m.
An email was sent out Feb. 22 from the CSC with information on the event and a link to sign up for the event.
Josh Strubel, a senior engineering major and CSC director, explained what sets the Piedmont Women’s Center apart from other pregnancy centers.
“What makes the Piedmont Women’s Center so special is that they don’t just instruct pregnant women to not have abortions—they offer solutions,” he said.
Strubel said he was inspired by the message Dr. Sam Horn gave a few weeks ago on the sanctity of life.
“It’s one of the biggest issues of our generation. We look back at slavery and wonder why nobody did anything then, but in a hundred years, people will look back and judge us for [abortion],” Strubel said.
The Piedmont Women’s Center provides help for both women who are pregnant and women who have had abortions and need counseling.
The women’s center also offers a counseling program for men who are experiencing emotional distress following an abortion.
In addition to this, the center also provides free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds.
The Piedmont Women’s Center is a non-profit Christian organization that partners with various churches in the Upstate.
The Piedmont Women’s Center is dedicated to celebrating life by giving medical advice and services to women who may turn to abortion.
BJU’s CSC is organizing the drive for volunteers. Sarah Darlin, a senior communications major, is the CSC representative directly in charge of the drive.
Women are expected to wear a dressy dress, and men are expected to wear a suit and tie.