Sarah Manly, a senior accounting major, works with web management, corrects documentation, writes how-to processes and completes other projects at Jervey Eye Group.
Before this semester, she had no experience with web management, but Jervey Eye Group has given Manly the opportunity to work in an area with which she was previously unfamiliar.
“It’s really scary, but [you just have to take] things one day at a time and learn how to manage your time well,” Manly said.
Manly has the unique opportunity to perform these tasks through a business internship with Jervey Eye Group, which she connected with through Career Central.
BJU’s 24/7 online resource, Career Central, connects current students and graduates to a network of employment and internship opportunities.
The Career Services office, located in Alumni Building Room 205, offers career-related assistance to BJU students.
Several majors requiring internships include exercise science, journalism and mass communication, graphic design, Bible, business, accounting and others.
Marina Oliveira, a senior health science major, is currently interning at Bon Secours Health System in Greenville and is passionate about public health because she has a heart for helping people.
Bon Secours partners with other programs, such as HOP and Vista that help low-income people receive affordable and sometimes free healthcare.
Through her internship, Oliveira has seen poverty first hand.
One day, she was able to visit low-income housing and was surprised at how poverty-stricken people live in the Greenville area.
She was reminded that health science can be used as a ministry, and it is vitally important to many people all around the world.
Devin Forman, a senior Bible major, has been interning at Calvary Baptist Church in Simpsonville for the past three weeks.
Although Forman wants to someday be a counselor at a Christian college, he realized the importance of ministry at a local church through his internship.
He sits in on any meetings the pastors have and serves in different ministries throughout the church.
This month he has been working with the teen and children’s ministries, and next month he will be serving in the music ministry along with occasionally preaching on Sunday night.
Kirsten Davis, a senior journalism and mass communication major, is interning at Jeff Dezen Public Relations.
Davis is in a mentorship type internship where she works with managers who mentor her in the responsibilities of a public relations expert’s responsibilities.
Working at a PR internship has shown Davis the importance of public relations.
“Everything that I do actually matters to real people,” Davis said.
“Everything counts, and it counts much more than I thought it would,” she said.
Nik Robinson, a junior accounting major recently landed a summer internship with one of the top accounting firms in the United States—Price Waterhouse Coopers.
Robinson was able to go through the interview process after seeing the position on Career Central and submitting his resume.
Robinson will be working in tax accounting.
He hopes to work for an accounting firm after he finishes his education, and he is excited for this opportunity to broaden his horizons and meet new people.
He said this is an opportunity of a lifetime.
Internships have been proven to be beneficial on a national level through surveys and research, but the benefits are also proven by students from Bob Jones University who can channel what they have learned into everyday life situations.
Many student internships lead to permanent employment opportunities.