Scene photo, Letter from Father, for BJU Production of Little Women: The Broadway Musical, directed by Darren Lawson. Photo by Hal Cook, 2016.
Bob Jones University will present Little Women: the Broadway Musical, running from Nov. 17 to 19.
Little Women: the Broadway Musical is directed by Dr. Darren Lawson, the dean of the School of Fine Arts and Communication.
For a while, Lawson has thought that it would be nice to do something other than an opera or a play for a university production and was asked multiple times for a musical.
He originally saw Little Women performed on Broadway and realized that this great piece of literature combined with the theater experience would be a perfect production for Bob Jones University.
So far, the cast of around 20 people has been phenomenal, Lawson said. After the auditions, Lawson realized that each person fit his role already and things began to come together.
Lawson traveled to New York City to cast guest artists for Jo, Marmie and Laurie. He found great talent and was even able to welcome an artist back to BJU who has previously performed in University operas and dramas.
Guest artists include Caitlin Mesiano as Jo, Patrick Dunn as Laurie and Angela Horn-Barrett as Marmee.
For the rest of the cast, Lawson could double the number of artists involved by double casting.
Within the story of Little Women, Jo writes two scenes of plays. In the original musical, the sisters and other people from the overarching tale play those roles.
But Lawson realized he could cast more students by giving each of these roles to different people.
Lawson had difficulty naming his favorite scene, but, to him, “Some Things Are Meant To Be” is the most powerful scene and a tearjerker. He strongly advises that the attendees bring tissues.
But there are also lighter moments, including the story within a story scene.
Lawson said Little Women: the Broadway Musical is about managing your expectations.
Jo thinks she and her sisters will be together forever, and her writing will provide for them.
But as her sisters face illness, catastrophe and love, she begins to see that her dream is falling apart.
She must learn that life is not about getting what is expected, but it’s about taking what happens.
As the first musical to be staged by BJU, Little Women: the Broadway Musical will incorporate the musical theater experience with a great piece of literature and bring the BJU student and faculty a unique viewing experience.