Foundation Brass Concert*
Tonight, 7 to 8 p.m., Stratton Hall
The foundation brass ensemble will premiere a composition called Capricious Metals tonight at 7 p.m. in Stratton Hall. It was written specifically for this concert by Dr. Seth Custer of the music faculty.
“The piece is very rhythmic, very fun to play, and it’ll be fun to premiere it here for the BJU family,” said Dr. Bruce Cox of the music faculty.
*This event has been canceled due to weather conditions.
University Ski Trip
Tuesday, All day, Wolf Ridge Ski Resort
The University will host its annual ski trip this Tuesday at Wolf Ridge Ski Resort in Mars Hill, N.C.
“We look forward to [the trip] every year,” said Mr. Kasey McClure, director of Activities and Organizations.
The cost for skiing and snowboarding will be $55 and $70, respectively. Lift tickets, equipment rentals, lunch and transportation are included. The cost for students who bring their own equipment is $40.
Vespers: “Break the Knot”
Thursday, 7 & 8:30 p.m., Rodeheaver Auditorium
The upcoming Vespers drama “Break the Knot” depicts the journey of a teenage girl who is struggling with a specific “knot” of sin. With the support of her family and one of her teachers, she is able to break that knot and find restored fellowship with God.
Mr. Jeff Stegall, director of the program and member of the communication faculty, relates the play’s theme to Romans 12. “No matter what any of the students might be struggling with or involved in, Christ is sufficient for their need,” he said. “We hope people realize there are people around them in their dorms, in their society and in their classes who are willing to help.”