S.C. Supreme Court Justice John Kittredge. Photo: Submitted
The next BJU pre-law forum will feature South Carolina Supreme Court Justice John Kittredge, at 6 p.m. on Feb. 17, in Levinson Hall.
Justice Kittredge is a resident of Greenville and has served in the state’s highest court since 2008. During the forum, he will draw on his years of experience to speak on topics such as how the legal system has changed over the years, what kind of cases he deals with on a regular basis and the role his faith played in his legal career.
The pre-law forums are aimed to benefit all students, not only those interested in pursuing a legal career, explained BJU’s director of public relations Randy Page, who organized the event.
“I think it’s [also] for communication majors, because Supreme Court justices have to communicate a lot. I think it’s for students interested in political science,” Page said. “I think [Kittredge] brings a wide variety of experience that a lot of people will be able to take and learn from and apply to whatever they want to do.”
The judicial system can be difficult to understand at times, Page said, but he thinks Justice Kittredge’s engaging speaking style will make it easier to understand, making the forum appealing to all students, not only those interested in law.
Justice Kittredge’s visit will be the first time a state Supreme Court justice has been a guest speaker at the University.
Justice Kittredge graduated summa cum laude from the University of South Carolina in 1979 and from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1982. Before becoming a state Supreme Court justice, he was elected to the family court bench in 1991, the circuit court bench in 1996 and the Court of Appeals in 2003.