Thirteen students traveled to and ministered in Antigua this summer on the 2013 Antigua Mission Team. Photo: Submitted
A special missions chapel on Monday, Oct. 7, will focus on the BJU mission teams that traveled last summer and will highlight opportunities for students to travel on teams next summer.
“The purpose of missions chapel is to encourage students to be involved in a mission team the following summer,” said Mr. Mark Vowels, head of the department of missions.
A video presentation about the mission teams from this summer will be shown during the missions chapel.
Later in the day, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., the University will hold mission team organizational meetings for those interested in serving on a mission team during summer 2014.
Many BJU students were given an opportunity to serve on a mission team this past summer in Africa, Antigua, the Western U.S., Europe, Australia and Mexico.
The mission trips provide an opportunity to see God’s hand at work.
For Kyle Cline, a senior journalism and mass communication major who traveled with the Antigua team, his support came in smoothly. “God was really good to bring in the money,” he said.
Lauren Flynn, a senior English major who traveled with the China team, tells of the financial blessing she received. “My church was a huge blessing,” she said. “[They were] very generous and [supportive], a blessing and answer to prayer.” Through the help of her church, Flynn was just able to make the payments to join the China mission team.
Heather McNally, a junior cross-cultural service major who traveled with the Africa team, had a different story to tell. “It was discouraging at first,” she said, recounting how she had no support come in during the first semester. But second semester was a surprise. “God really used my church,” she said. Her church was able to support her as a short-term missionary, and she also received support from family and even strangers. “I received $100 from nightmail one time,” she said. “God provided in unusual ways.”
Even if you have concerns about finances, these students encourage you to take a step of faith and watch God work.
“Just go for it,” Cline said. “You never want to be playing the position of God and underestimating what He can do.”
Flynn said, “If you think God is possibly leading you to go, and especially if it might lead to further opportunities in the future for ministries, don’t pass it up. You need to go.”
BJU will sponsor six teams this coming summer, and students who are interested in traveling with one of these teams can find more information during the meetings on Monday night. The organizational meetings will consist of 15-minute presentations made by the team leaders followed by five-minute breaks. This method allows a student to visit three team presentations within one hour.