Tom Donahue, Jonny Rebert and Jon Fremont are the current presidents of the three merging societies. Photo: Amy Roukes
For the first time in BJU history, three societies are merging into one.
The Omicron Wolverines, the Phi Sigma Chi Sentinels and the Theta Chi Cougars began meeting together in February and have been known as Society X. But the members have recently voted to name the new society Chi Epsilon Delta.
According to senior accounting major Michael Darlin, the idea for the new society was suggested to him while he was serving as Phi Sigma’s president at the end of the last academic year by Mr. Kasey McClure, head of Activities & Organizations. “I decided to run with it,” Darlin said.
“I contacted the other two society presidents and pitched them the idea, and we went from there,” he said.
According to junior Christian missions major Jon Fremont, the last president of Omicron, the membership of these three societies was similar. He said many people who did not join Omicron during society rush would join either Phi Sigma or Theta Chi.
“It just seemed natural to go with them,” Fremont said.
Fremont said combing these societies has opened up new opportunities for the members. “For instance, with basketball we had our first combined season this year [and] won six games,” he said.
The process of merging the societies began in November and has progressed throughout the semester.
According to junior English major Tom Donahue, who was the last president of Phi Sigma, there are currently 20 society officers since all the officers from the three societies retained their positions.
Also, several different committees made up of society members have worked through a number of issues, including drafting a constitution, planning next year’s rush activities and naming the new society.
Donahue said the society has selected the Wolves as its mascot.
And there is more to consider in choosing a Greek name than the mascot.
“It has to be original,” Donahue said. “It can’t be another society on campus or a national society.” It must also be grammatically correct, because the Greek letter corresponds with a Greek phrase that also will represent the society’s motto. Chi Epsilon Delta means “Christ is power.”
While the creation of this new society has been student-led, the students have been assisted by the Activities & Organizations office. “Mr. McClure has bent over backwards to help us out,” Donahue said.
“The entire process has been advised by Activities & Organizations, but directed by students,” McClure said.
Dean of Students Dr. Eric Newton said the involvement of the student leadership in the new society has been exemplary.
“[I] have been thoroughly impressed with their initiative, their team work and their understanding of how societies can contribute to the development of students at BJU,” he said.
Newton also pointed out that while the new society has been meeting together, they will not officially launch until the fall semester.