Katelyn McKenney
Choirs preparing for Handel's Messiah in sectionals in the Fine Arts Building, 2024.
“King of Kings and Lord of Lords!”
On Dec. 12 and 13, these words will ring out in Rodeheaver Auditorium once again. The University Singers, Concert Choir, Chorale, Lyric Choir and Symphony Orchestra will combine to perform the highly celebrated “Messiah” oratorio.
The “Messiah” is a classic work of excellence composed by George Fred eric Handel in 1742. It only took him 24 days to complete the entire work.
Dr. Andrew Huish, BJU’s director of choral activities, will conduct the performances, and his wife, Mrs. Stephanie Huish, will accompany him. The vocal choirs have met to rehearse at least once a week since the beginning of the semester, working both in sectionals and as an entire group.
Rebecca Ong, a senior music education major, said this of her experience: “I have really enjoyed learning such an iconic masterwork, from the well-known choruses like For Unto Us a Child Is Born or the Hallelujah chorus to more unfamiliar ones… It has been a blessing to meditate on our great Savior!”
“Messiah” is performed at Christmas every four years as part of the Concert, Opera and Drama Series, and it is quite an experience to participate in.

“Despite being composed 282 years ago, this master work miraculously seems fresh every time we sing it,” said Dr. Pattye Casarow, interim dean of the School of Fine Arts and Communication.
The attendees of these performances can expect to hear a timelessly beautiful work that describes the prophecies about Jesus Christ, His birth, death, and resurrection, and the Messiah’s eternal reign in Heaven.
The “Messiah” is performed every year around the world, and BJU’s Division of Music is excited to be one of many groups to present it this Christmas season.