Around 100 students and faculy members ran in the 2022 race, pictured above. Photo: BJU Marketing
A morning running through clouds of color: Zoe Aletheia Wildcats and Epsilon Zeta Chi Tornadoes invite both runners and walkers to a morning of exercise with purpose on Saturday, March 11, to raise money for Harvest House in Guam.
As a part of the Bob Jones University Bible Conference fundraisers of 2023, the Wildcats and Tornadoes are partnering to organize a family-oriented event.
The 5K run is open to students, faculty, staff and the public outside the BJU community. To make the run more interactive, volunteers will splash color powder on the participants as they go through the different locations. A shirt, provided by the run sponsors, will also be available to participants.

All profits will go to support Harvest House, a nonprofit Christian organization with the mission of “helping children and teens on Guam develop a heart for God by providing a safe haven to help them grow physically, socially, mentally and spiritually.”
Even though the event usually takes place around the conference’s week in February, the society officers decided to move it three weeks after to allow more people to participate, as the run will not interfere with other fundraisers. Hosting it in March will also let participants run in warmer weather, said Daniela Paul, president of Zoe Alethia.
Paul encourages all who can to participate. “I think it’s a great way to just have an activity to raise money, but also just to exercise,” Paul said. The event is not only for runners. Participants are welcome to walk or run to support the cause. “I know last year a lot of people just walked around campus and hung out with friends,” Paul said.
Each attendee can expect an invigorating morning of physical activity while supporting a ministry that will provide not only physical care but also emotional and spiritual relief to many children in Guam.