BJU representatives travel to encourage others to attend BJU.
Ministry teams and university representatives of BJU had decreased in activity in recent years, but both are now back in full swing. Both travel around the United States serving others and representing the University.
The drama team, music team and technology team constitute the ministry teams of BJU. Two of the three teams are out recruiting during any given semester.
By partnering with churches and schools, the teams use their talents to bring glory to God while recruiting students for BJU.
Each of the teams is assigned a region. Currently, the drama and technology team are in rotation. The drama team, which travels in the mid-atlantic region, performs at church services as well as school chapels. The technology team hosts workshops, mainly at schools, in several southern states.
Jordan Ford, a junior theatre arts major, is a member of the drama team touring this semester.
Ford said BJU drama teams visited her church and school when she was a child and as a result, sparked her interest in these teams.
Ford said the drama team also provides a great way to get practical experience in her area of study.
Ford views the ministry team as a great way to reach beyond herself and invest in the futures of many families and to introduce them to the opportunities at BJU.
“It’s been so wonderful to share the Gospel so clearly in our play and [afterward] spend time with God’s people,” Ford said.
Ray Holden, a university representative of BJU, travels in a variety of regions to recruit students.
Each representative has a different style of recruiting, but typically representatives will preach at a school’s chapel and/or host a promotional table during lunch hour to meet with potential students.
A university representative differs from an admission counselor in that a representative does not have an assigned region.
Representatives usually go out every week and for the majority of the time, they travel on their own without being accompanied by other representatives or teams.
According to Holden, one his favorite aspects of his job is getting to show Christ and His love as well as showing BJU’s genuine interest in the students he visits.
Holden pointed out that all BJU students are ambassadors not only for the University but also for Christ while on campus and abroad.